Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Great Debate - Cannabis


      My personal feelings about the legitimacy of legalization aside, I think there is one thing we can all agree upon. Teens, and young adults who are still developing and making choices that affect their whole lives should not be smoking Marijuana. I stumbled into this article about a test recently done on adolescent and adult rats sets the stage for medical reasons why Marijuana is harmful to young minds that are still developing.
      During our teenage years is when our front parts of our brain really develop. This is a decision center of the brain. When teenagers make bad decisions it stems from here. It also affects some of our emotional outputs, making teenagers range from happy one minute to screaming the next. This test proves Marijuana does affect this development. If we legalized, regulated, and tested the over use of Marijuana in teens could diminish. This would protect the young minds of our future generations, and hopefully decrease teen suicide and adult depression.

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