Thursday, August 23, 2012

Art and Science... Together?

      Yes, believe it or not art and science is not unheard of. My last trip to New York City was a few years ago but I vividly remember seeing a whole gallery devoted to the science and art combo. Rings grown from your own human bone, take one of your cells and through the "magic" of science grow you a ring with your own bone. This is one example of what I saw many years ago. Today I Stumbled Upon this artists website. Fantastic! As someone who is going to school for science, and already has an art degree this is something I can see myself doing someday, maybe. I remember I used to paint and label giant cells on a canvas for my Dad for gifts when I was younger. I used molds and biological models in my metal work, my latest piece being a model of a 5 month old fetus, I took a complex three part mold of and cast 7 tiny babies in solid bronze.
      The artists name is Gary Carlson. I hope you can appreciate art like this as much as me.

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