Thursday, August 23, 2012

Laryngeal Nerve On a Dissected Giraffe

      This video is not for the faint of heart. If you have never seen a large mammal dissection this may be disturbing. Older audiences only.

      This is biological history at its finest. Finding evidence of evolutionary processes that do not fit our mainstream intelligent design theories. Thought I would share this, maybe I am the only one fascinated. Imagine being able to take a class where you could watch this, how many people get to dissect a Giraffe? I saw my first large mammal autopsy in the third grade. The result of a sudden death of one of our livestock. My Dad being a biologist thought it was a golden opportunity for learning. It was. I learned about animals having multiple stomachs, about hearts, other organs, and more. It exposed me to science at a young age, so that when I had to dissect a cow eye two years later in school it was no problem. I am thankful for having these scientific experiences, and it made me into a science lover today.

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